Blackpool Bus Photos
The Author is in the course of preparing the format for the Centenary volume on Blackpool's buses which will be published late 2020 (ie next year). Whilst he has an extensive collection of images and timetable material - he is on the lookout for personal photographs featuring crews or individual drivers/conductors posed with or inside their vehicles - and also at Rigby Road. If any reader has a relative or family member who previously worked on the 'buses' and has photos from his or her days working with BTS and/or
its previous Corporation Department - we welcome being contacted online through our Shop page.
Given the delay in producing this especial tome - the former title 'Tilling Stevens to Alexander Dennis' and years covered has been updated to : '
Blackpool's Bus Centenary 1921 - 2021'
Orders and reservations for this celebratory volume will be invited from April 2020 with more details to follow. Image : Rigby Road Garage 1959 with a TD5 waiting to depart on a School Special run. Photo : John Woodman