More Hectic Activity on Talbot Road
Work on completing repaving of the road junction linking Talbot Road with Topping Street and Dickson Road is continuing at a frenzied? pace with contractors busy over the next 48 hours so that traffic can begin to traverse this important section of the town centre from Monday. At the same time the Promenade will close completely at Talbot Square requiring considerable new diversions which will no doubt create even further dislocation for drivers. Below : the double track pointwork accessing Talbot Square from the Promenade awaits the connecting link to be installed in the next few months.

The roadway section between Abingdon Street and Dickson Road remains very much closed and a lengthy gap in rail installation suggesting need for the temporary track crossover to be installed pending completion of the Wilko property - now delayed. This might allow trams to run up to a temporary terminus with platform as 'Plan B' in order for commencement of service on the extension later next year or early 2020.
The Central Library has a display board for public viewing of the final approved extension (Below) :