Fun Run Follies - 2018
Today's Promenade closure to road traffic resulted in extended traffic snarls and frustrated drivers, not to mention passengers on Blackpool's buses. A journey on the Number 1 Promenade Service saw a grotesque diversion off the Promenade in most of Blackpool. For visitors the experience was more than slightly annoying given that the bus left the Promenade at Pleasant Street to crawl down Dickson Road and then inch its way past North Station amid queues of vehicles all being funnelled into a single lane conduit. Having negotiated this particular detour we found ourselves heading south on Central Drive up to Rigby Road. Here there was the unique experience of travelling on Rigby Road to a stop directly outside the Transport Offices (see images). Camera toting enthusiasts were in evidence 'snapping' a line up of trams as well as riding the special heritage bus service laid on today. A smart green and cream 'Delta' made a turn in front of us to add to the myriad pleasures of this unusual journey.
It might have been tactful to defer this year's 'Fun Run' to a date when town centre road works were completed or far less extensive than those currently evident on Talbot Road and Talbot Square. Not sure where the 'fun' was for those struggling to drive in or through Blackpool on an important Illuminations weekend; nor travelling into town on Blackpool's buses (or indeed any buses). Below : From the top deck of a Service 1 ADL stopped on Rigby Road next to the Transport Offices. A 'heritage' Delta departs on a special journey to the Marton headquarters of the FTT Bus Collection.

Travelling along Rigby Road on Promenade Service 1 - a rare treat for a top deck passenger

The familiar classic structure of Blackpool's transport headquarters on Rigby Road.