Buses of All Colours
The bus side of things in Blackpool is even more interesting than the predictability of trams in 2018. Blackpool Transport is about to introduce its new fleet of single deck buses which will take over from the now veteran 'SOLOs' on Services 3 and 4 in two weeks time. A special launch is being planned by BTS with displays at Tesco's bus stance at Mereside and at Cleveleys Bus Station on the day itself.
Buses no longer gravitate to Market Street and the new bus stops created along its frontage due to the road closures which bar vehicles from entering from Talbot Square on a one way system. So Blackpool Transport's customer services face on to signage
directing visitors to a 'Revolution' immediately outside. Below : a case of Power to the People ?

Less conspicuous are the collection of heritage buses assembled by the Fylde Transport Trust which continue to find safe haven on Brinwell Road near Marton. Remodelling of second (or is it thirdhand) buses is ongoing alongside, with some remarkable sights to greet the visitor. Below : Jolly Green Giant perhaps?

Below L: A long way from Ilford or Essex ! Up north this London Stagecoach anonymous exile is undergoing physical change before heading further afield

Devonshire Road northbound from Talbot Road is now gridlocked due to work taking place to strengthen (or repair?) Devonshire Road railway bridge with consequent single lane traffic controlled by signals. In fact Blackpool's central area is becoming one giant construction and road diversion maze as utility work and tramway infrastructure begins to take hold on and around Talbot Road.