Blackpool Corporation Transport Lives On!
Amid the shoals of sparkly new Alexander Dennis Enviro Palladium themed buses now dominating the townscape - at least one Blackpool bus stood out this week (actually two but I only caught one on camera). The once familiar cream and green Blackpool Corporation Transport colours certainly made a nostalgic sight as 524 traversed the town centre reminding older passengers of how their municipal buses used to look in former times. Number 524 shows off retro colours in Abingdon Street this week :

A poppy clad Palladium double decker on Market Street; whilst below a Trident type 351with the now rarer yellow and black fleet livery from previous years, heads along Abingdon Street amid 'Lego Blocks' passing the former 'Timothy Whites' building.

Below : The same location in another time :

Go back sixty years and this is the same location with a railcoach heading towards Talbot Square passing the almost complete 'Timothy Whites the Chemists' building and tram stop in Abingdon Street. Sharp observers may note the white horse adorning the corner of 'Hunters' mens clothing store : a local landmark and popular quality retailer. in its time. All Photos : John Woodman