Looking Up
A visit to Wyre Dock today would have caught the Owner of Brush Car 637 (300) giving attention to its roof and applying a weatherproof seal ahead of the winter months. A continuing watch is necessary to ensure the canvas covering does its job. In this case it had proved worn and in need of replacement. Below : Kevin on the roof of his tram.

The FHLT are considering offer of enclosed space in which to further store their trams and an inspection took place today of the building on offer. No decision has been made. Any transfer would need to allow for renovation work on at least two of the Trust's collection over an extended period of time, and further discussions with various Parties are likely during October.
Further south another sign of the times is on display - at Bispham Tram Station. The interior of the building has been leased to a company intending to open a themed cafe which apparently will feature a rooftop view for its patrons. Understandably this may require some further weather protection from the frequent sea 'breezes' which make this part of the coastline especially brisk. Interior work has been carried out on the building but there are as yet no firm indications of when this notable venue is likely to be open to the public. In any event it does give the structure renewed purpose and physical improvement - from the neglected state which it has suffered from under Council (not Blackpool Transport) ownership.