Blackpool Bus Notes Today

The old order changeth as one generation of Blackpool bus heads past a previous type outside the condemned 'Wilko' building soon to be demolished (thankfully).
The 'Love your bus' theme of BTS is a feature on the rear of the 'Trident' type and seen in closeup outside Council Offices on Corporation Street - below :

Catch22bus follow a similar shade of green application - this time for Freeport Fleetwood sponsorship :

Yet another green 'rear' but with the Scottish spelling of 'environmentally' - an error by the Alexander Dennis Ltd graphics people - or is this how the word is spelt north of Carlisle?

Or just perhaps a deliberate pun which went over the head of the author...

But spelt correctly on the side banner it seems - Dickson Road Bus Stop otherwise a smart looking vehicle with neat non flamboyant design - heralding things to come?

Finally - a less than smart Blackpool 'Solo' showing wear, tear, and pretty grubby finish for a bus promoting a visitor pass. Showing its sell by date possibly?