Glasgow Hybrids - 2
One of the more remarkable survivors from Glasgow's tramway fleet is Number 1100. This particular car was the subject of experiments which involved rebuilding the ends to replicate (somewhat) the 1937 Coronation Mark I class. The rebuilding would seem to have involved a sort of make it up as you go along design with the use of twin route colour lights (familiar to citizens of Edinburgh at the time but not so far seemingly required in Glasgow). These were inserted alongside the top deck front windows - as were diminutive route number indicator boxes fitted on the nearside front panels. These and other somewhat eccentric changes made 1100 definitely stand out from its sister Kilmarknock bogies cars which it was selected - as well as the 150 plus Coronation cars it was intended to resemble (at least head on).
Much like 1089 (see previous blog) 1100 managed to soldier on to the very end of the Glasgow system as a peak hour shipyard Extra - based in Partick Depot also with 1089. Again a favourite with enthusiasts for all manner of tours in the waning years of Glasgow trams - it was eventually saved by Leeds enthusiast Keith Terry who with a handful of friends managed to have it delivered to the Crich tram museum - albeit without much advance notice according to reports of the time (1963). Here it remains. Unfortunately its days on display were cut short when it was transferred to the Clay Cross store due to pressures on depot space some years back.
The author, like others who were witness to the final years of Glasgow trams, was able to ride it in service and admire (if that's the right term) its unconventional looks. Truly a hybrid - 1100 deserves its place again in the limelight somehow somewhere.
Hybrid 1100 shows off its lines in Hayburn Street, on Partick Depot track fan in 1961. Top : A contrast in after and before ! with preserved Kilmarnock bogie car 1115 showing its original somewhat gothic angular design (one of fifty such cars) and 1115 with its remodelled front ends. Below a further contrast with 1179 edging in (or out) of Partick Depot showing PARTICK and CLYDEBANK on its indicator blinds. I think 1179 scores most points on styling but 1100 certainly has its merits. The enthusiast community have Keith Terry to thank for saving this unusual 'caur'.
All Images : Copyright John Woodman