John Woodman
Nature Lovers at Wyre Dock
High above Wyre Dock construction is nearing completion of a very large new wind turbine which we are told may be joined by several others in due course. What impact these obtrusive goliaths will have on the local wildlife remains to be seen
Concern is already being shown with the presence this weekend of nature lovers keen to photograph what may be now endangered rare species. The Trust's trams are an endearing habitat for local wildlife with at least one tram providing a nesting home for a pair of hatched seagulls earlier in the summer. Toads, frogs, rare insects and much else find a protective home amid the Trust's collection. For some reason Motor Unit 678 notable for its many original interior features, including swing over seats and varnished wood finish from the 1960s - attracts attention from all manner of nature's creatures.
Centenary car 641 notwithstanding external work over the past months also finds itself the centre of loving attention from snails and flying insects keen to gorge on newly applied paint, in particular white gloss for some reason. A closeup shot of today's visitor is not likely to achieve a place on the Attenborough programmes - but is posted for the benefit of the candid camera nature lover keen to record the latest comings and goings at the Trust's compound. The visiting snail can be seen by telephoto lens fixating on the numeral 1 - added below for the benefit of a wider audience.