BFC Community Trust get stuck in

A glorious summer day saw the BFC's Community Trust delivering a team of eager? young people to the Trust's tram 'depot' at Wyre Dock keen to lend multiple hands in tidying up the site and painting Centenary Car 641. The Community Trust is a very active component of the Football Club providing a diversity of challenges and tasks to young volunteers. The Trust helps in finding skills training and work experience and today for the very first time a dozen strong group arrived to take on the challenge of the FHLT's tram site tidy up.
During their four hours at Wyre Dock 641 was graced with the new tangerine paint to Blackpool Football Club specifications - with inaugural brush strokes by several members of the team. Overseen by BFC staff Rick (of Fleetwood) and Chris Smith - hoes, spades, secaturs, scissors, step ladders, heavy duty sealant tape, paint brushes and of course the paint - were put to effective use. Pity we hadnt been able to welcome the Community Trust to Wyre Dock before now !

Top : The happy crew at the end of their stint with the trams ! Above : quick repairs to broken windows - Ryan Matthews and Macauley Halliday. Below : painting / tasking : Ciara Doyle and Madison Wilson.

Ryan Matthews also tries his painting skills

Thank you as well Stephen Doyle, Patrick Buckley, Scott Burdfield, Vicky Arundel, Callum Richards, Danielle Oakes and Jack Holland (late arrival but keen to make up for lost time and BFC Community Trust Team Managers Chris and Rick