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  • Writer's pictureJohn Woodman

Promenade Closure for Tram Track Work

Blackpool Council's roadside electronic information boards give warning of the closure of the promenade from November 5th for thirteen weeks. This will allow work on installing the track connection from the promenade at North Station linking the existing pointwork from the 2011 upgrade to the new line up Talbot Road.

Demolition of the 'Sands Venue' on the former Palatine Building site is also ongoing and traffic closure on the promenade will facilitate completion of the remaining structure's removal. A new luxury hotel is to be erected at this location, hopefully transforming this section of the seafront look of Blackpool.

Rubble and dislocated tram rail from an earlier era when Layton's tramway was connected to the promenade with a lengthy north ward looping line from Talbot Square. The Town Hall dominates the background as it has done for over 125 years. The rubble has since been removed in preparation for a concrete base being inserted for the dual track connection.

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