Tram Rail Anyone ?
The unveiling and removal of the former Layton service tram track along Talbot Road is well and truly underway as the Contractor gets to work on the extension to North Station. This image taken by Colin MacLeod clearly focusses on the cut up lengths of street rail removed from the section between Abingdon Street and Talbot Square where the roadway has been completely cleared. The Layton tram service ran until September 1936 when new buses (built locally in Blackpool) transformed the town centre with modern streamlined vehicles.
Central Drive's trams - a continuance of the original Marton tram route (almost a complete circle) also were withdrawn at the same time with through bus services. Below : The Layton tracks along Talbot Road were relaid in the mid 1920s so the actual usage was nearly a decade hence the relatively good condition of the sections seen here cut up awaiting the scrap man. Photo : Colin MacLeod