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Blackpool - Holiday Weekend Shines

Writer's picture: John WoodmanJohn Woodman

After the extended grip of a prolonged winter and desultory Easter the country finally succumbed to glorious sunshine and warm temperatures in time for the first of two Bank Holiday weekends this month. The result for Blackpool was a crowded town full of exuberant young farmers (or those engaged in work on the land). They were joined by more earnest tram enthusiasts lured by sunshine (possibly), or more likely the extra workings of diverse traditional and classic trams from the extended fleet at Rigby Road Depot. While the 'young farmer' contingents relaxed and enjoyed themselves in throngs around the many town centre drinking establishments, and along the promenade; enthusiasts provided a more sombre (and sober) audience favouring rides on the varied trams rolled out in the sunshine by the Heritage Tours team.

Slogans galore - some ribald, others far more ribald, and many quite topical !

Given the sustained headlines and media reports of both the weather, the nation's economic condition, tussles with faceless jobsworths in Brussels, and yah boo politics at Westminster and more recent scandal of the government's treatment of British citizens of Caribbean origin denied healthcare, right of residence and a whole lot more fundamental rights - the May Bank Holiday is much deserved break for the entire nation.

Tram rides for many in the varied fleet of cars busying their way up and down the tramway over the three day weekend. Just three images of contrasting styles.

So its tram rides for some; a break by the seaside for cadres of youthful ;farmers' and their ilk, and many families intent on enjoying themselves in the sun with fresh air and fun in Britain's most popular coastal resort.

Blackpool's trams got a lot more colourful !

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