Balloon 726
An agreement has been concluded by which Balloon Car 726 has been transferred from the Trust into the Ownership of a private individual. The tram will remain at Wyre Dock and destined for inclusion in the scheme being worked on by the Trust.
It is likely that 726 will join sister car 710 in a comprehensive restoration project as part of the plans being drawn up with professional Partners. The new Owner will be responsible for determining the detail of work on 726 and its final appearance.
Of course 726 was the final delivery of the enclosed streamline double deck fleet in 1935 - becoming 263 in that series. Its sister car 262 / 725 of course was totally redesigned and rebuilt as a 'Jubilee' one man operated tram. The Trust's Balloon car 710 was a first series streamline double deck example which arrived as an open top
tram replacing withdrawn 'Dreadnoughts'. It was given an enclosed top deck during the Second World War. The additional work did not include sliding roof panels and associated trolleybase which was a feature of the second series delivery. Below : The two Balloon Cars at Fleetwood.
Still impressive despite its outdoor storage 726/263 awaits its turn to receive a full restoration to an earlier condition. All Images Copyright : Steve Meyer-Rassow