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Writer's pictureJohn Woodman

Back to the future (again)

A sight for sore eyes ! Trident 332 has emerged from the Paint Shop resplendent in a rendering of Blackpool Corporation Transport's green and pale cream fleet livery. 'Snapped' here on Central Drive heading south by a surprised John Woodman - the bus includes a green roof reminiscent of wartime Titans (but that's too far back for most enthusiasts). 332 now joins the equally stunning single deck 'heritage' example shown off for the 30th Anniversary of Blackpool Transport earlier in September. Perhaps we can expect this vehicle to eventually become a member of the heritage bus collection on its withdrawal from service. No doubt better images will appear elsewhere pretty quickly.

A preserved BTS duo PD3 501 and Atlantean (coach seating) 364 part of a special line up earlier this year at Rigby Road - both turned out with that familiar Blackpool green and cream livery of yesteryear. The lineup and much more feature in the tribute to Blackpool's buses due out in 2017 covering all of the principal models which carried people in and around Blackpool from the start of bus operation in 1921 to the present day. 'Tilling Stevens to Alexander Dennis, Blackpool's Buses from 1921 to 2017' to be published by Rigby Road Publications with updated details on the Shop Page of this site.

All images : John Woodman

Another thumbs up to the Paint Shop and BTS management. Now how about trying this on a Flexity?

Same day same trip - Blackpool Council operate several passenger carrying vehicles including of course the Permanent Way and Track Crew vehicles. However Layton Depot includes a mini fleet of special purpose buses for social services around the town - benefitting the elderly and infirm. One is seen here loading outside Morrison's at Squires Gate. I welcome details of this specialist fleet from those better informed than myself. Seperate from BTS and wholly operated by the Council - they are based at the Operational Services Depot at Layton (next to the Crossley's Bridge now being demolished).

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