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Writer's pictureJohn Woodman

And More Switch On Blues

In spite of the best efforts of BTS managers - the extensive rerouting of bus services in and around the town centre on September 4th ahead of the main Switch On theatricals - caused all manner of confusion among passengers. Whilst the small print notices posted on buses and trams gave fair warning and outline details of the service changes - it was nearly impossible to simplify instructions to the point where (at least for the bus routes) everything became crystal clear.

Fortunately some BTS staff were on hand at key town centre points to offer information at the afternoon peak. The sight of buses queuing up outside Abingdon Street Market and traversing (carefully) the pedestrian precinct in front of St John's Church was not quite unique but definitely different! The scene at five in the afternoon below :

Abingdon Street's bus lane renaissance. But only for a day.

Quite evidently the road layout at North Station and the Dickson Road/Talbot Road junction is a huge bottleneck with traffic being funnelled in from Cookson Street, Talbot Road and Dickson Road on to locations with numerous very busy pedestrian crossings. All of which serve to add constant delays to traffic movement with no limit to the numbers and frequency of pedestrian usage. Not so the trams which managed a seamless? service to the Tower stop from Starr Gate and North Pier from Fleetwood. Inbetween Blackpool's version of the Berlin Wall was hurriedly erected barring only the cleansed bearing tickets.......

Heading north to the Tower and finally getting there stopped by the Blackpool Wall. Hardly endearing to the wider public - everything has its price these days.

Photos : John Woodman

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