A nostalgic look back at Fleetwood's principal summer season festival - this time in 1988 when the sight of trams (slowly) making their way through the town centre with lines of buses alongside and some old favourites carrying passengers. Photos : John Woodman Archive.

Trams circulated along bus lined streets crowded with sightseers - making things just a little problem- atical for drivers !
Journeys terminated at the Ash Street crossover (just before the reserved tramroad) while service cars reversed at Ash Street stop.
Hill of Howth Car joined with the Dreadnought to provide two veteran open top double decks from a long gone era.
Manchester 765 partnered with Fleetwood Box Car 40 and of course Bolton 66 - that excellent privately restored remembrance of Bolton Corporation Tramways was very much a firm favourite of visitors.
Open sided 619 added a spice of colour and nostalgia to the scene.