Sept 2019: In this context the originating vision put forward in our ‘Fleetwood Quays’ proposal offers a mix of leisure, retail and residential use, as well as incorporating a reopened rail link for the town and for purpose fish processing and handling centre to aid new growth of this still important business sector.
We are encouraged by the references to Fleetwood’s economic condition in the House of Lords Select Committee report on the future of seaside towns and the recent bids of Town Centre Regeneration. Community-led initiatives launched to improve healthier living already are having a positive impact on GP and hospital admissions – as well as attracting national media coverage.
Fleetwood residents are now engaged in a more pro-active role in influencing the Town’s future, alongside traditional organisations. Wyre Dock Development has identified working relationships with Fleetwood’s Town Council, Healthier Fleetwood and Business in the Community – aiming for joined up practical ways of revitalising the local economy on the north Fylde coast.
Not the least of these is improvement of transport links into Fleetwood. Even though the County Council is instigating improvements to the A585 arterial road the focus on reconnecting the town with the national rail network. The option of reopening the dormant rail line from Poulton more efficiently through modern tram-train service (no overhead wires required) is foremost in our proposals. Varied groups and interests, including the MP for Blackpool North (Paul Maynard), have publicised their own concepts for rail connectivity in the Fylde; not dissimilar to Wyre Dock regeneration and tramtrain scheme we placed in the public domain on WDD website in 2018.
Clearly in these fast changing times, regardless of political affiliation, slow moving top down transport policy planning with missed opportunities from the past, Wyre Dock Development sees need for motivated parties to work together for the best possible outcomes for the town and people of Fleetwood. The new stimulus and fresh approach of ABP’s property development team should result in much needed changes being realised which will benefit a new generation.
> For further information see the Fleetwood Quays project timeline