Classics in Glasgow
John Woodman
Going back in time almost sixty years now and revisiting Glasgow. A chance encounter at Coplawhill Works found almost all of the restored 'caurs' being paraded outside the works for demonstration runs and formal photographs ahead of the final procession. A selection of images taken by the Author from that bright sunlit morning.
The two saved 'Standards' from the city's almost one thousand strong fleet.
'Blue' enclosed version 1088 left. 'Red' 779 in retro heritage condition with
open balcony and driver platform. Both cars in the city's excellent Museum
of Transport on Clydebank.

Below : Restored Coronation Mk 1 1173 in its original condition with cab visor and upper deck front half opening window. Barrland Street Permanent Way yard is behind 1173 and the timber
shed structures.

Below : a partial lineup of the restored 'caurs' on display (briefly) in front of Coplawhill Works. They would all be shunted into the Works very shortly after these photos were taken by the Author on one of his several visits to the city. The final closing procession of the tram system occurred soon after this test display.