Find The Trees In Blackpool
As urgency grips public concerns on our planet's climate condition and ever threatening warnings of critical moves to an seemingly inevitable tipping point of an increase to a further 1.5% in global temperatures - Britain's politicians squabble over the intentions of a national referendum result and exclusion of much else.
Whilst it may be but a speck on the overall equation of actions to reverse global warming trends - the importance of trees and their foliage soaking up Co2 emissions has seemingly passed Blackpool by. There are a total of four, yes just four, trees planted in the entirety of Blackpool's town centre. Far outnumbered by drinking establishments and laughingly termed 'amusement' arcades in the town - the absence of greenery of any kind in Blackpool's central and seafront districts is particularly noteworthy.
When once the town had an eminent Parks Department with professional staff charged with maintaining natural features large and small, including trees along many main roads. One looks back to Whitegate Drive, Lytham Road, Church Street, Preston New Road among many thoroughfares benefitting from avenues of trees giving shade and flourish to the neighbourhoods they bordered. Over decades successive Council cuts and ill informed judgements have resulted in a town centre devoid of greenery. Ironic at a time when Local Election results provide a boost to the Green Party, none of whose candidates would seem to be standing in the resort's Wards. Perhaps because the cause the Party stands on is ignored by local politicians and the Council Executive.
There is one modest ongoing attempt to redress this lamentable condition here in Layton with a drawn out development on former green space abutting new housing. A new park, complete with trees and small lake are emerging from ongoing landscaping work - albeit derisively slow in delivery. The town centre alas is a bleak grey nondescript hodgepodge of mismatched schemes serving the likes of countless bars, charity shops of dubious character, and neglected structures owned by absentee landlords. The four trees to break this terribly sad monotony below :

Above : A brave survival on the corner of Corporation Street - all alone

Three plantings added in the pedestrianisation of the St John's Precinct space.
err that's all - sorry.