FIFA Nul Point BTS dix Point
The pathetic ban imposed by the corrupted organisation known as FIFA on UK national teams wearing the Red Poppy symbol in international matches being played on November 11th is indicative of the sad mindset of that organisation.
Safely esconced in a bunkerlike structure near Zurich in a country which, whilst avoiding engagement in two World Wars, was able to profit hugely from an inflow of stolen artwork and loot deposited for 'safe keeping' in Swiss banks - the brown envelope mentality of FIFA now extends to a bar on reminders of human sacrifice by British and Commonwealth forces in global conflicts.
As if FIFA needs more disdain and disgust following the corrupt practises of its governing body over successive decades. With a mindset that issues a ban on red poppies adorning team strip of Scotland, Wales, England and Northern Ireland national teams - its reassuring to see UK FA sticking proverbial two fingers at the Swiss hideaway of this disgraced international footballing cabal.
In sharp contrast and amid bracing cold wintry blasts this weekend it is great to see Blackpool Transport's management arranging for both trams and buses to be adorned with the red poppy symbol on vehicle cab fronts. Well done BTS. Not all buses are so fitted but its the thought as much as the deed that counts.
A hasty 'snap' of a Palladium brand bus on the promenade with Red Poppy in view and a full front Trident showing its adornment and catching sunlight on Market Street today.