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Thank you BTS


An especially pleasing relationship between the Trust (FHLT) and successive management at BTS has existed from inception of our efforts in 2010 to secure a number of redundant trams for preservation and future display. This has emerged strongly in the past twelve months with agreements for storage of two of our trams under cover at Rigby Road Depot alongside a considerable 'fleet' of heritage trams.

It is quite remarkable that from the doom laden days in 2010 when a minimal number of traditional cars was forecast to be retained as part of the light rail upgrade - this has transformed into a magnificent assembly of examples drawn from both the LTT, as well as other exiles.

Practical help has been forthcoming on a number of occasions when the limited resources and expertise of our Trustees required professional competence of Rigby Road (and Starr Gate) staff. These instances have been brief and without much ado when advice or assistance was willingly provided. One example below :

Releasing Brush Car 290 from its three year respite? on the promenade - involved Rigby Road staff and one Unimog. The safe storage of Jubilee 761 and 290 in the confines of Rigby Road Depot are part of such joined up initatives.

The importance now being placed on conserving and strengthening the public's awareness of the town's heritage trams is in great part due to the especial effort of Bryan Lindop. This goes well beyond repainting some of the old cars and organising the heritage tram service each year. The FHLT recognise the work involved from their own experience - and welcome having played a supporting role in ensuring that this unique transport heritage is more prominently displayed on the Fylde coast; both in Blackpool as well as Fleetwood, where we continue to focus our own objectives. Well done Blackpool Transport and thanks for memories!

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