Buses get a look in and christmas cheer
Blackpool's bus history has always been a poor cousin compared to the attention given to the town's trams. For every twenty books on Blackpool trams possibly one has appeared on the bus fleet and services. Rigby Road Publications endeavour to give equal coverage of the bus operations in the content of titles published to date (with exception of the Marton Trams Tribute) - with more on the way during 2016 ; Blackpool's Desert Bus / Tribute to Rigby Road Works 2009 - 2015 / Municipal Transport Heyday - Blackpool buses and trams in the 1950s.
However a new title appeared this week 'Blackpool Buses - Enthusiasts Handbook' published by Train Crazy Publishing and available from the North Pier shop outlet. The contents cover in great detail all of the more recent developments of Blackpool's buses under the aegis of Blackpool Transport Services since 1986 ( the new Council owned company). Fleet details and a route by route description of current services provide up to the minute infor-mation on BTS services. Independent operators such as Catch22Bus, Coastal Coaches, Preston Bus and Stagecoach who run services into and around the Fylde coast are also detailed to provide a fuller picture of the diversity of buses seen in and around Blackpool.
At just under £10.00 this new book is a very important title to have for both reference and overview in 2015
Horsedrawn transport is nothing new in Blackpool. However winter sees a respite for landaus given weather conditions and lack of custom.
A colourful exception was the arrival in the town centre this week of Thwaites Ales own horse drawn dray complete with sleighbound Santa. It was seen posed outside a brewery owned/managed public house catching admiring gazes and the inevitable camera selfies. Note the up to date pneumatic tyres.